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     2022年9月19日-23日,第25屆國際企業孵化器研討班(英文簡稱:the 25th IBI Workshop)順利舉辦。本屆IBI研討班由中國科學技術部國際合作司和上海市科學技術委員會指導、上海市科技創業中心主辦、普華永道承辦,并得到了創新金磚網絡(iBRICS)、創業首站(GATEWAY)等跨境孵化合作渠道的大力支持。

On Sept. 19th, 21st and 23rd, 2022, the 25th International Workshop on Business Incubation (the 25th IBI Workshop) was successfully held. The IBI Workshop of this year was supervised by Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China as well as Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai Municipality, sponsored by Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, co-organized by PwC, and greatly supported by iBRICS Network and GATEWAY Community.

     作為創新金磚網絡的年度活動之一,本屆IBI研討班特邀來自金磚五國的21位孵化行業精英骨干,匯聚 12位來自高校、創投、大企業及科技孵化領域的專家,在專題演講、圓桌討論、學員分享等各個環節開展線上線下并行交流,有觀點交鋒,亦有見識共鳴,著力聚焦數字醫療的技術熱點、孵化模式、跨境挑戰等焦點議題,共同探索金磚國家數字醫療可持續創新與發展的合作機會。

As one of the 2022 iBRICS events, the 25th IBI Workshop gathered 21 participants from BRICS countries, who, together with 12 speakers, discussed and explored hot topics of Digital Health such as technology frontiers, incubation models, cross-border acceleration, and collaboration opportunities in different sessions of the Workshop including keynote speeches, panel discussions, free talk, etc. With the help of online communication tools, participants and speakers from different countries and regions achieved thorough communications and active interactions, despite the challenges brought by different time zones and diversified geographical locations. 


Highlight 1: the First Time for IBI Workshop with A Network Focus

    作為創新金磚網絡的年度活動之一,本屆IBI研討班的前期策劃及籌備組織,得到了創新金磚網絡指導委員會及金磚各國相關科創管理部門的大力支持與密切關注,特設為“金磚專場”! 這是IBI研討班首次聚焦于一個特定的創新孵化跨境合作網絡,亦是IBI功能的有效延申,即以研討班為交流契機,積極深化創新金磚網絡伙伴之間的溝通與合作,攜手構建長效互動、開拓共享、包容務實的高質量伙伴關系。
?  21位定邀學員均為科創行業精英骨干,來自金磚五國的政府部門、行業協會、科技園區、孵化載體、高校院所等單位,從學員機構類型上實現了對創新生態關鍵節點的全覆蓋。
?  12位特邀嘉賓由企業、創投、孵化領域專家組成,他們術業有專攻,不僅高效解讀金磚五國數字醫療的政策環境及行業圖譜,亦深度分享了金磚國家間的科創合作及案例成果,更專題呈現了特色企業在金磚五國的商業布局與拓展預期。

The 25th IBI Workshop was an exclusive event for iBRICS Network. Added to the calendar of 2022 iBRICS Events, the IBI Workshop of this year was greatly supported by iBRICS Network Steering Committee as well as relative organizations from BRICS countries all the time. This is the first time that the IBI Workshop has been designed with a network focus and it proves to be a positive try that the IBI Workshop has served as a great opportunity for us to continue deepening communication and cooperation among iBRICS partners, working together to build a high-quality partnership with long-term interactions, mutual benefits and inclusive practices.

All the 21 participants were from BRICS countries, representing different stakeholders of local inno-ecosystems such as governmental innovation agencies, incubation associations, science parks, incubators and accelerators, universities and research institutes, etc.

In response to the network focus of “iBRCIS”, some speakers were invited to sort out related policies of Digital Health in BRCIS countries, some of them shared their collaboration cases and personal takeaways when working together with partners from BRCIS countries and some demonstrated business landscapes and expansion expectations of their enterprises in BRICS countries.

“Free Talk” by representatives from each of BRICS countries was the newly-designed session for the Workshop of this year, which brought informative sharing and achieved a consensus: BRCIS countries are enjoying developing opportunities as emerging markets while at the same time are facing common challenges, for instance aging population and uneven distribution of medical resources in the field of medical services. Digital Health proves to be a more effective, more scientific and more equitable solution to break existing bottlenecks and improve people's well-being. It is of great practical significance to set the IBI Workshop with the vertical focus on Digital Health. In this regard, BRICS countries should strengthen sharing and cooperation, jointly promoting application and development of Digital Health and exploring solutions to common problems in human society.


Highlight 2: Different Dimensions to Explore Synergy Effects of Incubation Stakeholders in Digital Health

    1. 金磚國家在數字醫療的技術支撐和細分賽道上的差異何在?有無互補點?
    2. 中國科技企業出海的動因何在?有何特定的商業行為風格?
    4. 大企業通過創新基金或創新加速營等方式鏈接初創企業,二者的產出效果有何差別?
    5. 大中小企業融通的具體業務往往受制于大企業較長的決策周期,如何理解其利弊?
    6. 數字醫療項目是否涉及更復雜的IP架構?科技企業在IP保護及技術轉移業務中如何估算綜合成本?是否有效益最大化的可參考路徑?
    7. 科技企業跨境發展的商業渠道拓展及技術團隊組建,是否必須在當地生態做“雙融入”?
    8. 高校旗下的創新創業服務載體融入創新金磚合作網絡后,可以帶來哪些特定的資源助益?

From “Smart City” in 2021 to “Digital Health” in 2022, the IBI workshop has been seeking hot topics concerning sci-tech innovation and collaboration and in an active way. In addition, from the perspective of specific industry, the IBI workshop also proactively facilitates communications and interactions among incubation managers with regards to  theoretical analysis and experiences sharing, which fully demonstrates the professionalism of organizing team in designing and organizing the Workshop as always.

In view of the global trend of accelerating digitalization in medical services as well as the potentiality of digital medical industry among BRICS countries, the 3-day IBI Workshop of this year has been designed with a vertical focus on Digital Health, having invited experts and specialists from public services organizations, incubators and accelerators, corporations and tech-SMEs to touch upon three themed topics: industry landscape of Digital Health, academia-industry collaboration to empower sustainable entrepreneurship as well as cross-border acceleration of tech-SMEs in going abroad. Besides, participants’ representatives from each of BRCIS countries were also invited to share their observations and understandings about Digital Health in local inno-ecosystems.

Here come topics of general interests for your kind reference.
1. Speaking of Digital Health in BRICS countries, what are the differences in terms of technical support and niche market? Is there any possibility to complement each other?
2. What are the motivations for Chinese tech-companies going abroad? Is there any particular model in the process?
3. Are there any unicorn companies in Digital Health? If not yet, when? What are the impact factors?
4. In terms of outputs, what are the differences when corporations link with tech-startups in the ways of founding support or acceleration programs?
5. To achieve real collaboration between corporations and tech-startups is usually affected by corporations’ long period of decision-making. How to understand its pros and cons?
6. Speaking of IP structure related to Digital Health companies, will it be more complex than others? For tech-companies, how to understand and manage the cost when doing IP protection and/or technology transfer? Is there any roadmap to maximize the benefits?
7. When tech-companies go abroad, is it necessary for them to integrate with targeted inno-ecosystem in terms of business expansion and technical team building?
8. What can be particularly expected when university-based incubators get involved in iBRICS Network?


Highlight 3: Launching of IBI Mentor Group to Sustainably Empower Cross-border Acceleration

    國際企業孵化器(英文全稱:International Business Incubator;英文簡稱: IBI),由中國科技部火炬高技術產業開發中心認定,由上海市科技創業中心牽頭,聯合本市具有國際化優勢的創業孵化載體,合作互動,共同開發跨境孵化業務。每年舉辦的IBI研討班作為品牌活動及核心業務,已經累計為近六百名國內外創新孵化相關人員提供了管理知識及運營業務的培訓,有效推動了彼此之間的跨境交流和長效合作。IBI國際孵化器研討班從最初由IBI“一器九基地”輪流承辦到近年來依托于創業首站跨境業務社群的深度協同,該IBI合作框架下已凝聚一批深耕垂直領域的行業專家及扎根孵化一線的業務團隊。面對當前國際科技合作的新形勢新要求新機遇,市創作為IBI主辦人亦在積極思考IBI研討班如何開發新的功能、鏈接新的機會,以期持續賦能跨境孵化及創新協同業務。
    “…回顧IBI研討班二十余年的發展歷程,我們可以非常自豪地說,一方面我們始終堅持著IBI研討班設立之初(推動交流與促進合作)的初心,另一方面我們也積極擁抱與適應時代的新要求,致力打造一個更友好、更聚焦、更有助力的IBI研討班…” (摘自上海市科技創業主任黃麗宏女士于開幕儀式上的致辭)

International Business Incubator, IBI in short, is accredited by Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science and Technology of China and is coordinated by Shanghai Technology Innovation Center to work together with Shanghai-based incubators and accelerators and jointly develop cross-border acceleration business. Since its initiation in 1998, the annually-organized IBI Workshop, as the brand event, has attracted nearly 600 participants from different countries and regions; the workshop sponsors and organizers work closely with innovation actives around the world to deliver knowledge and experiences on startups accelerating and facilitate cross-border communication and long-term collaboration among IBI participants and partners. From the model of “One Incubator with Nine Bases” in the very beginning to the in-depth collaboration of GATEWAY Community at the present time, a group of vertical experts and acceleration managers have already been gathered under the collaboration framework of IBI Workshop. Faced with current opportunities and challenges of international collaboration, we are also thinking about how to develop new functions and explore more possibilities to sustainably empower cross-border acceleration.

Under such circumstances, the IBI Mentor Group has been officially launched  this year. And more than 5 vertical experts & accelerator founders, more than 10 experienced acceleration managers will work like a group, and a set of concrete following-ups, such as thematic seminars, technical diagnosis and partner matching, will be designed and delivered to provide sustainable and tangible services among IBI participants and partners. With the initiative of IBI Mentor Group, we are hoping to provide normalized acceleration services besides the three-day workshop of each year, echoing with the collaborative visions and anticipations mentioned in opening remarks and closing remarks as follows:

“…Looking backward the more than two-decade development of IBI Workshop, we are proud to say that, on the one hand, we have been staying true to the founding principle all the time, and on the other hand, we have embraced changes of our times and kept abreast of the times, to make the IBI Workshop much friendlier, more focused and more helpful…” (Quoted from “Opening Remarks” by Ms. Lihong Huang, Director of Shanghai Technology Innovation Center)

“…We are hoping, by working together with iBRICS partners, to allow more entrepreneurs to access and benefit from the fruits of our win-win collaboration and to increase the visibility of iBRICS collaboration for business incubation in the international norm-setting processes…” (Quoted from “Closing Remarks” by Ms. Xuemei Yang, Division Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China)

了解IBI Workshop的更多信息?歡迎您致信ibiworkshop@163.com

On the basis of more than two-decade development, it guarantees a promising future with lots to be expected under the collaboration framework of IBI Workshop.

For more information about IBI Workshop, please feel free to contact us via ibiworkshop@163.com.


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